b05 - X-Mas Bonus Track - Make a safe space to think big
Make a safe space to think big. Bonus material to kick off the year. Bonusmaterial zum Jahresauftakt. Heute alles auf Englisch.
In this episode, colleagues from Kessels & Smit have their say. Because our Christmas party was designed in the form of a Radishow, where we could celebrate the end of the year together in parallel offerings, we (this is: Marc Dechmann, Tina Gadow & Roberto Isberner) offered a special podcast episode. Live, with the colleagues. And the same question: What is actually pedning now?
In a slightly different format. Instead of 1 guest and 2 hosts, this time it was 2 guests, 3 hosts and 4 listeners. All of us colleagues from Kessels & Smit, consultants and facilitators from Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and South Africa.
Our guests: Paul Keursten, South Africa and Kris Snick, Belgium. Pepeijn, Suzanne, Erik and Ilan listened and were part of our generative talk after the two interviews.
We hit the wall, have to ask ourselves: Does it make sense anymore? It's about the meaning of communities and at the same time how to deal with the paradox between the very close and the big picture. It is about belonging and courage.
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